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Singers who have been using the “10 Essential lessons for Easy Singing” from Voiceology Australia often complain about dry throats.

 Apart from things such as acid reflux, if a singer has a dry throat, then they will usually have a dry voice, coming from a dehydrated body.

The body and vocal cords need hydration all day long, not just when you are about to sing.

By the time a singer hits the stage it is too late to try hydrating the voice, as you are simply just keeping the throat wet!

While you are at your gig or performance, be sure to drink water at room temperature and definitely no drinks with ice.

Better still, drink boiled water which has been cooled a little, keeping the heat around the vocal cords is a much better idea.

Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day and you will be well on the way to keeping the voice happy as well as your body healthy!

NOTE…Try to avoid caffeine and drinks such as coffee, coke and chocolate.

Not only do they produce acid reflux which affects many singers, caffeine can also be very dehydrating, the very thing you need to avoid.

Till next time,
Happy and Healthy singing.

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