Many people start training their voices and they are looking for strength right from the beginning.
Everything of quality takes time to build.
When you practice at a very soft volume, you can relax the neck muscles outside the larynx so
they are merely supporting the sound very gently without any force, you will be well on your way to developing strength inside the voice box.
The vocal chords will be able to create power all of their own, from inside out, so to speak.
At such soft volume, the vocal chords will learn to absorb the air correctly, with no breath escaping in front of the note.
Vocal chords need to adjust to breath flow without any interference or tightening of muscles.
Remember Air and Muscle are always EQUAL.
When you produce sound and sing from soft to loud, the air and muscle are still EQUAL!
Stand tall, head and eyes level..Take a diaphragm breath and try to sing a long steady note using the word “hood” as SOFTLY as possible, with no strain..Just let it happen (like humming)
Try this every day and you will soon notice how much easier it is to produce sound.
In other words (Crawl before you walk)
Soft vocal practice allows us to hear many faults that would otherwise go unnoticed!
Check out my “10 Essential Lessons For Easy Singing” at Voiceology Australia
Till next week,
Happy singing
Marion Rouvas