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How fast can I learn to sing and become a great singer?
The answer is simple.. How fast can you practise?

I hear many many great voices, but how many of those people are actually “great singers” who really know their instrument and how to play it.

I published my “10 Essential Lessons For easy Singing” under Voiceology Australia so that people from all genres of singing would have a foundation and understanding to develop some good skills that will give them a solid foundation for their entire singing careers.
From beginners to professionals, this program works for everyone, even seasoned performers who just want to brush up on their skills.

Guaranteed!! you do the work and the voice will do the rest.
I stress the word “Work” as in daily vocal scales and practise. There is no other way. If only there was.
These exercises are from Ex 1 To Ex 10 to cover the many principals needed to build great vocal technique:
Increase your vocal range..
Develop better tone and placement..
Better diction (producing nice vowel sounds)
Better understanding of diaphragm breathing (Air and Muscle are always equal!)
*EQUALISE registers.. The biggest dilemma faced in modern singers of today. The only way to do this is with repeated scales designed to do this Exercise 6 (head voice technique) is part of my program for that reason.
Every exercise is there for a reason. All you have to do is spend 10 or 15 mins each day and simply apply yourself.
If you were a sports person, you would be training for hours and hours each day, so how lucky are you?

Till next week,
Happy singing
